Kelly Klekar

The College Community School District is pleased to announce the appointment of Kelly Klekar as Associate Principal at Prairie High School, effective July 1, 2024 pending Board approval.

Klekar, who is in her 15th year with the College Community School District, brings a wealth of experience to this leadership role. Since July 2022, she has served as Dean of Students at Prairie High, where she spearheaded initiatives to improve student discipline, academic progress, and attendance rates.  Her efforts focused on motivating and inspiring students to achieve their full potential.

“Kelly Klekar is an integral part of our leadership team,” said Prairie High School Principal Spence Evans. “Her commitment to our students, staff and community made her the obvious choice to be Prairie High School’s associate principal.  I am very excited to work with Kelly in her new role.  Kelly’s knowledge and passion for Prairie will drive us to be the best we can be for the College Community School District.”

Prior to becoming Dean of Students, Klekar served Prairie High School and Point in various capacities, including Building Facilitator, At-Risk classroom teacher, Behavior Focused Special Education teacher, and middle school math teacher. This diverse background equips her with a deep understanding of the school’s needs and a strong connection to the student body.

“I am grateful for the privilege of serving the students, families, and our outstanding staff at Prairie High School in my role as Associate Principal,” said Klekar. “I look forward to working alongside our dedicated staff with a collective goal to nurture Prairie Ready individuals, equipping them with the skills and insights needed to thrive here at Prairie and beyond graduation.” Klekar holds a bachelor’s degree in education from the University of Northern Iowa, a master’s degree in Behavior Focused Special Education and Reading from Morningside College, and an administrative degree from the University of Northern Iowa. Kelly and her husband Chris have two sons who attend Prairie, Keaton is an 11th grader at PHS and Kenton is an 8th grader at Point.