Equity and Belonging
The College Community School District will engage stakeholders in ongoing analysis of programming and practices with the goal for all students to feel a sense of community, voice, and belonging in our school community with the following goals:
- Focus on the needs of stakeholders in our school community.
- Create a school district culture of belonging to support the vision of Success for All.
- Develop stakeholder clarity on what diversity, equity, and inclusion work/planning/implementation is and is not.
- Formalize structures for input and discussion on equity topics related to programming and policies.
- Implement proactive communication and strategies to respond to school and community questions or concerns related to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
Equity in Daily Practice
CCSD Definitions
To create clarity and consistency in this important work, the District utilizes the following definitions of key common terms:
A culture where all stakeholders feel welcome and connected through relationships, experiences, and environments.
Recognizing and valuing the uniqueness of an individuals’s race, socioeconomic status, abilities, beliefs and experiences.
Creating opportunities, distributing resources, and eliminating barriers to guarantee equal access and outcomes.
The intentional planning for an provision of equitable access to opportunities and resources for ALL.
An individual with an interest or concern in the College Community School District that can either affect or be affected by the success of the District.
District Equity Advisory Committee
In 2022, the District established a Board Advisory Committee to gather and give input into District equity needs and improvement efforts. This committee was established by nomination and application and includes 22 parents, community, staff, students, content experts, administrators and Board members. As a Board-appointed advisory committee, the schedule and agendas are publicly available.
Members of this advisory committee serve 2-year terms and must commit to the following:
- Attending a minimum of five(5), 2-hour meetings per year held in the afternoon. Once initially established, these meetings will be every-other month. In the initial stages, monthly meetings may be necessary.
- Developing and demonstrating the traits of an inclusive leader
- Demonstrating support for the continuous growth of CCSD
- Communicating with stakeholder groups with the purpose of seeking input to bring back to the larger committee
- Attending events related to the committee as needed
District Legal Obligations
In addressing any District-wide improvement efforts, including DEIB, the District, its Board and employees will follow all applicable laws of the state and federal government while keeping the advocacy of/for our learners as the central priority.