Point Outdoor Ed

Prairie Point Middle School held their Outdoor Environmental Education Program the week of May 9-May 13. This year marks the 60th year for the program with Prairie students.  The camp experience takes place at Camp IO-DE-SECA in Solon and is for Prairie seventh graders.  This year’s Outdoor Education Program runs the week of May 9-May 13.

The camp teaching staff along with 50 eighth-grade counselors involved in the Outdoor Environmental Education program strive to achieve the following goals:

  • Provide opportunities for enriching outdoor experiences
  • Develop outdoor knowledge and skills
  • Create an awareness and an appreciation for the natural world
  • Instill an appreciation of responsible stewardship of our natural resources
  • Teach an appreciation and a feeling of enjoyment towards the outdoors
  • Promote understanding and acceptance of self and others.

The goals of the Outdoor Education Program haven’t really changed that much since its creation in 1961.  It was started by a small group of teachers at the then Junior High School who wanted to expose the students to the great outdoors.

The Outdoor Environmental Education Program offers students opportunities for learning experiences in a natural environment that are both educational and enjoyable for all.  Environmental education classes and activities take place during the day time while at night the students are brought together for recreational activities and entertainment conducted by the teaching staff and counselors.

The Outdoor Environmental Education program is an experience that many 7th grade students look forward to each year.  When students leave Prairie Point, many of them reflect back on the seventh-grade camp experience as one of the most memorable and enjoyable times at the middle school.