Reminder, effective Monday, February 7, 2022 through the remainder of the year, school start times for elementary (including PK and AK), Prairie High School and Students in grades K-4 and 10-12 will be pushed 15 minutes later. This is a last resort decision due to the ongoing challenges with transportation impacting operations.
This means all start times and dismissal times will be 15 minutes later than they have been this year. Bus riders will be impacted by some re-routing also. We are implementing this tough and difficult decision to help mitigate the potential of closures or extensive delays due to bus driver shortages.
Click here for the Updated School Start and End Times Effective February 7, 2022
For a full description, including rationale and potential FAQs please click here.
Busing Information for Monday, February 7, 2022
Busing information is now available in your Parent Portal account. All of our routes have been updated with the new start times for elementary and high school students and two of our routes have been eliminated. All families must check their Portal account prior to Monday morning to ensure that your student is prepared for Monday.