Prairie Hill Elementary School held a month long sock, glove, and underwear drive called “Socktober”. Due to the efforts of Prairie Hill students, families and classrooms, they collected over 5,000 items!
First grade students are learning about Informed Action Projects and how to help people in need. They chose Socktober as their project. This informed action project will benefit Families Helping Families, a local Cedar Rapids organization that supports foster families and children. Prairie Hill will be celebrating our successful drive with a school-wide “Sock Hop” later this week.
“We wanted to teach our students the importance of giving back to their community and helping those in need,” said Prairie Hill 1st grade teacher Katie Thompson. “We also wanted to show them that even a small act of kindness can make a big difference in someone’s life.”
A representative for Families Helping Families thanked the students for their efforts, talked about the organization and answered questions.