On Saturday, October 22, a total of 45 students representing the Prairie High School Music Department traveled to Independence, Iowa, to participate in the annual I.H.S.M.A. 2022 Iowa All-State Music Festival auditions. More than 3,500 students from throughout the state auditioned at one of six district sites. Approximately 17% of the students who audition are selected to perform in the 280-piece All-State Band, the 225-piece All-State Orchestra, or the 600-voice All-State Chorus.
Participants will rehearse with acclaimed guest conductors in Ames November 18-19, followed by the All-State Music Festival’s Final Concert in Hilton Coliseum on the campus of Iowa State University. This final program is recorded by Iowa Public Television and presented numerous times during the holidays.
Congratulations to the following students who will be representing Prairie High School in the 2022 Iowa All-State Music Festival:
1st Year All-Staters:
Addison Berg – 12 Choir, Alto
Kaitie Craft – 11 Choir, Soprano
Samantha Mostaert – 12 Choir, Alto
Matthew Murray – 10 Choir, Bass
Austyn Riehle – 12 Choir, Tenor
Pieter Rippentrop – 11 Choir, Tenor
Maya Shelangoski – 12 Choir, Alto
Matthew Urich – 10 Choir, Bass
2nd Year All-Staters:
Jesse Flaherty – 11 Choir, Bass
Tate Joens – 12 Choir, Bass
Josie Koppes – 11 Choir, Soprano
Sawyer Slezak – 12 Choir, Bass
Luke Smith – 12 Choir, Tenor
3rd Year All-Stater:
Alyssa Cassady – 12 Band, Clarinet
Two of our students were selected as ALTERNATES:
Camden Beightler – 12 Band, Trombone
Sophia Johnson – 11 Band, Clarinet