IMG 2734

The Crisis Response Planning Committee held their second meeting of the year last night in the College Community District Board Room. The role of the Crisis Response Planning Committee is to prepare for potential risks, emergencies, disasters and threats that impact our students, staff and community.

The committee includes representatives from the Cedar Rapids Police and Fire Departments, parents, students, teachers, counselors, principals, district administrators, and school board members. The desired outcome of the Crisis Response Committee is to develop a plan in which concerns for personal and school safety do not interfere with teaching, learning and service delivery for students, staff and families.

IMG 2710“The truly collaborative relationship between our district and our friends in law enforcement and fire is key to loving our kids well and building that safe learning environment,” said parent Megan Hughes. “This is a true partnership involving all stakeholders.”

To date the committee has met some key desired safety outcomes:

  • Building maps for each classroom which included fire, AED, evacuation routes, and shelter areas
  • Developed a Standard Response Protocol for each classroom
  • District Safety video for staff
  • Crisis Go App

The next Crisis Response Planning Committee meeting is scheduled for April 21.
IMG 2723
IMG 2725
IMG 2728